I enjoyed this book a lot but I did have a few issues with it.First of all the pedant in me got really annoyed at the use of the incorrect pronoun on a couple of occasions. I went back and read the passages a few times as my mind does wander and I thought maybe the character had changed but no, 'he' was used for a female character in one place and vice versa. Aside from that there was a significant piece of the plot that I just couldn't understand. Not sure if aforementioned wandering mind had gone somewhere for another little jaunt. Anyway, there were some interesting ideas in the story and I like that in a book,I like something to mull over once I close the covers. For me though, the characters didn't quite ring true. If life was cheap because there was always another one when you died, and assuming you weren't tired of living, wouldn't you be panicked to wake up and find everyone murdered (including yourself) and no chance of another body to slip into? Knowing this was your last chance, would you really be working calmly alongside your own potential murderer? The end was not as tense as I would have liked it to be. There was a brief moment of excitement then not alot. I make it sound like I didn't enjoy it but that isn't true, I just think there should have been more atmospheric development, I wouldn't have minded a few extra pages. It would be interesting to find out what happens to the people on the ship when they get to their destination. Sequel, please!